Sleep apnea can be very serious. It is a condition in which a person stops breathing intermittently while sleeping. If you have obstructive sleep apnea, you may snore a lot, or feel tired after a night’s sleep. At Grosso Family Dentistry we practice an area of specialization called Dental Sleep Medicine. Some sleep apnea patients may try a CPAP machine. CPAP stands for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure. Sometimes a patient isn’t able to use a CPAP machine or they prefer an alternative. This is where Dental Sleep Medicine comes in.
Drs. Grosso and Grosso and Dr. Brigoli may decide to treat your sleep apnea with an oral appliance. A sleep apnea oral appliance is worn only while the patient is sleeping. It allows the patient to maintain an open airway along with the oral appliance, the doctors may recommend a morning repositioner, which will help to realign the bite. An oral appliance is also easier to transport than a CPAP machine.
The Grossos have seen extraordinary results in their patients over the years. The doctors may consult with your physician or a sleep specialist to come up with the best treatment plan.
Grosso Family Dentistry takes sleep apnea very seriously, and they want to make sure they create the proper treatment plan for each patient.